Chrome Extensions for Hardcore Multi-Tab Users

Opening multiple tabs on Google chrome would make your computer to become slower and i have come up with few useful extensions that could solve your problem.Unlike other browsers chrome is known for its speed,smooth performance and elegant look but not many knew that opening multi-tabs can make their chrome slower.This is because chrome opens separate process for every opened tabs.See the screenshot below how it would look when viewed with chrome’s task manager.

chrome extensions multiple tabs
To use the task manager feature click on the option button on the top right and select tools.You will find the task manager in the menu below tools.

Extension for Hardcore Multi-Tab Users

I’m not going to suggest you too many extension as they will affect the performance as well.You can notice the memory used by the extensions in my chrome from the above screenshot.

Extension 1 : The Great Suspender

The first extension is “The great Extender” which will be helpful for reducing the memory held by the other tabs which are inactive.You can get the extension from this Download link and add it to your chrome.
google chrome extensions multiple tabs
With the help of this extension you can suspend a particular tab or suspend all the tabs. Why waste memory when they are not being used?

Extension 2 : Veritabs

The first extension was about saving your memory and the second extension that i’m gonna suggest you is for easy navigation.I always find it difficult to switch between tabs when there are plenty of them opened.Roughly i used to have 15 tabs opened and i can’t even see the tabs name so what i did was installing this wonderful extension called Veritabs.
multiple tabs handling chrome browser
Once you install this extension then you can see the tabs appearing in the vertical style when you mouse over near the left end of the screen.You can resize the tabs and even make their position to be fixed.
That’s all for this post on chrome extensions and you can get a list of other chrome extension from “Give life to chrome“.
If you have found something useful for multi-tabs users then do please share it with our readers.
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I'm Rajesh from CSE background and I'm specialized in Blogging, SEO, Website Designing.I'm an entrepreneur and I make my living online.You can find me here

2 thoughts on “Chrome Extensions for Hardcore Multi-Tab Users

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