Using graphics.h under linux

Using graphics.h under linux

Using graphics.h under linux

I got used to the graphics.h as working under Turbo C++ was the only option a student of India has. However under linux, as a beginner, i was unable to find an equivalent header file. That is only until, you install a new package that allows you to use graphics.h in the same way as that in Turbo C++.

I would like to keep this very simple. Lets start .
There bonair baptist richmond older singles are two phases in this process :
  1. Installing the dependancies.
  2. Installing the libgraph package.
Installing dependancies :

  1. Make sure you have G++ (GNU C++ compiler). If you do jump to Step 3
  2. Open Software Manager and Install G++.
  3. Open Synaptic Package Manager.
  4. Search for guile-1.8-dev
  5. Mark it for installation. And also its additional Requirements.
  6. Then do the same for libsdl-image1.2-dev.
Installing libgraph :
  1. Download libgraph from here
  2. Extract the contents to the home folder.
  3. Now open terminal.
  4. Type the following commands :
cd libgraph-1.0.2
sudo make
  1. Ignore all the warnings displayed. Again, in the terminal type the following line :
  1. Now its over. Your struggle so far will bear fruit now. All you need to do is create the C++ file containing graphics (include graphics.h in the file) and then compile it as follows :
g++ filename.cpp -o output_filename -lgraph
  1. Run the output file using ./output_filename
  2. For example, if your C++ file is test.cpp, then compile helena web cam it using the command ‘g++ test.cpp -o myoutput -lgraph’ and you can run the output by using the command ‘./myoutput
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I'm Rajesh from CSE background and I'm specialized in Blogging, SEO, Website Designing.I'm an entrepreneur and I make my living online.You can find me here

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