How to Find Who Unfollowed You on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram

If you are a kind of addicted guy like teen dating advice me for social networks then you must have heard about Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram. These are really top social networking sites that you can opt for spending your time efficiently. Making friends and following celebrities are most common in these platforms and if you are one such kind who have lot of fans following then it’s time for you to check how many people are unfollowing you from twitter, Tumblr & instagram and find why they are unfollow you.

How to Find Who Unfollowed You on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram

To find who’s free web cam chat for couples that culprit unfollowed you on different social network we can simply use a single site where it manages your list of friends and fans who had recently removed you from their profile.Let’s start it step by step.

1. Go to this Link and sign up for a new account (takes just 10 seconds).

how to find who unfollowed you from tumblr twitter instagram

2.Once you are logged in you will be seeing your dashboard.

  • Click on Twitter to find greatest music singles of all time who unfollowed you on Twitter.
  • Select Instagram for finding who are unfollownig you on Instagram.
  • Click on Tumblr to know who unfollowed you on Twitter.

know who unfollowed me on twitter


3. You need to give access for the application to integrate with your account and so for the first time it would ask you to give access and authorization. You might see something like the below screenshot for twitter.

find who unfollowed u on twitter

The same applies for the Instagram and Tumblr. Login and give authorization for the application.

4. Once you have integrated with the application, you will know in future if anyone is unfollowing you from your profile. Click on the “unfollowers” tab to know about it. At first there wouldn’t be any unfollowers because you have just integrated the application.find people unfollowing you on twitter


At any point of time you can remove your account or add a new account to this site.

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I'm Rajesh from CSE background and I'm specialized in Blogging, SEO, Website Designing.I'm an entrepreneur and I make my living online.You can find me here

1 thought on “How to Find Who Unfollowed You on Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram

  1. In case of instagram there’s great way to deal with unfollowers. A service is the fastest and the cheapest, easiest the of its kind. It is also safe because of API usage instead of logging in directly. Even for the biggest accounts it should be enough to unfollow 5000 people a day. You get 1000 unsubscriptions for free for unlimited time once you’ve registered, which is nice.

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