Recently, I made a post about installing airtel data card on Linux. Now ,we are gonna see how to install Reliance Data Card on LINUX. Unlike installing airtel’s , installing Reliance Data Card is much easier.
Here is what you gotta do :
- Visit this page
- Click on Downloads section.
- You’ll find ‘For LINUX Drivers’ link. Click on it and your download will start
- After your download has heart singles finished, extract the contents to a folder.
- You will have both RPM and DEB files.
- If you use debian based linux i.e. Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Ultimate Edition, double click on ‘UBUNTU.deb’ file to install it
- If slovakian dating culture you use Fedora based linux, then use ‘Fedora.rpm’ for installation
- For Open Suse, use ‘Open Suse,rpm’ for installation.
Thats it. Now wasn’t that easy like i said before..
Learn more about how to Trace mobile number in India.