This optical code recognition software is used to convert various types of image formats and PDF to a text format or other text formats .
People working from home in data entry job can use this software to make their work easy.
Though There are lots of software available in the market for OCR , they are not even 50% accurate at all.You can try few softwares like freeOCR and simpleOCR .Using simpleOCR you can try converting the hand written image formats too.
But amazingly there is an online OCR Website which is a trial website that converts the images more accurate than the other OCR websites.You can convert with a limit15 images per hour .
Here is one of the image which i converted to a text .
Note : The image was not rotated straight when i uploaded it to that website and the website automatically rotated the image to the proper direction during the upload.
This is the output which i got for the converted image was almost perfect except few mathematical symbols.
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