Use Virtual Machines to Run Linux in Windows Xp/7/8/8.1 in 2014

Most of you would be familiar with this word virtual machines..actually what are virtual machines???
virtual machine is an environment where you can run your operating system virtually..for eg: if you have windows as your OS and you want to run linux,you can install this virtual manager software and you can run linux inside this software!!

The main advantage of using virtual machine is that when you are atacked by a virus you computer gets repaired..but when you use a program through virtual manager and run it you dont have to fear about virus because if it attacks , you can  power of your virtual machine and remove it..
i would prefer you to use oracle vm virtual box because it is easy to install and use..
before starting we need few things.

How to Use virtual Machines to Run Linux

  • oracle vm virtual box software
  • ISO file of the operating system

you can get virtual box software for free in internet or from
here :

if you need to run linux in your virtual box then download the ISO file  of the OS from the internet.
linux is a open source software and is free to download ,so no worries.
i would personally suggest that linux backtrack is the best for hacking purposes and if you need linux backtrack search for backtrack.ISO file or if u need linux ubuntu then download the ubuntu.iso file.
for backtrack file go here :
once you have file downloaded here is how it can be installed:


Most people say linux is best platform for hacking purpose than windows..yes its true!!

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I'm Rajesh from CSE background and I'm specialized in Blogging, SEO, Website Designing.I'm an entrepreneur and I make my living online.You can find me here

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